Saturday, March 27, 2010

In Honduras!

We arrived safely this afternoon ·92 degrees and SUNNY! We are at our translator´s home briefly as we get more supplies in Sigatepeque.
We were hoping to add some pictures but we are currently having difficulty.
All nine of us are here and doing well. Luis will be driving us to Orica momentarily.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Five weeks and counting (and praying)

We had a team meeting at Curt's house today and I feel excitement building up inside of me. I think our team has potential to do a mighty work for God in Orica!! Lots of good questions today, very helpful info given from those who have been there on previous missions. We will continue to plan for this trip with the intent of carrying out the goal set for us. The playground equipment is just one of the accomplishments laid out for us. Others appear to be some workshops when appropriate, community building activities and, in general, being the hands and feet of Jesus in this place not forgotten, and so loved by Him. We are privileged to be a part of this trip and ask for prayers that the civil unrest will dissipate for us to complete this task.

In His Matchless Name,

Mary Mlsna